You can be a free member of the site for years and every day someone will like you or try to contact you and you can check out their profile and all of that shit. BUT!!! The moment you become a paying member there is some kind of a glitch or problem. You can't send messages or check out profiles. Just some kind of halfass excuse of a face error page or some pages not loading correctly.
That's all it is. A con.
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We can unfortunately not respond to complaints of this nature if we do not have an email address or site nickname, so kindly provide either and we will be happy to check this out. Also, we note that, to the best of our knowledge, no person with the name provided has previously tried to contact us, using the contact facility on the site. The contact facility on the site does ask for your name, and also saves all messages sent to us in the database, but there is no record of any complaint using the name around February 2019. Lastly, we will NOT tolerate fake allegations, and we will institute legal action against faceless cowards who make libelous allegations, which will turn out to be a very expensive mistake for persons who abuse our good name.
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