Reviews from this user (0)

Webmaster's Response: Free Trial Period

Review about

We acknowledge that some users may be confused by the distinction between totally free sites and free-to-try sites. We apologize for this, but please note that Stoutgat is the latter, a free-to-try website, which means you can try it for a limited period, after which you will be asked for payment. This approach is extremely common in the software industry. You can, for example, use the trial versions of Microsoft Office for free, but only for a short trial period. Although it doesn't cost anything to register on our site, and you can even send free messages, our registration page specifically mentions that you're signing up for a trial period and also says that you can "test drive" our site, which clearly indicates it's a trial membership you signed up for. Our Terms and Conditions page - to which you had to agree - also contains a specific section regarding free users. You can read the section about free users here: We do, however, apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but, and here's the nice thing, you can simply remove your profile if you choose not to become a premium member.

If you do experience any issues with the site or have an inquiry, we do respond to all inquiries that are sent to us from the site's messaging page, within 8 business hours. Business hours are 8am to 5pm SA time, Monday to Friday. To get to the contact page, on the main / home page of the site there is a Help button at the top center, and one of the menu options under the Help button is a link to contact the webmaster. A direct link to the Help button also appears in all mails the site sends you. Please use the site to contact us, for any problem you have, and we will respond within 8 business hours.

False and slanderous reviews

Review about

As the owners of, there are serious issues with the deceitful, slanderous and false reviews of our site. One of the so-called reviews makes the following ludicrous assertions:

"This is a pure scam site." Slanderous allegation and completely untrue. I challenge the person to write this under his own name, because we WILL take legal action against him. We would be happy to produce site logs and database entries proving this, if the person who makes these allegations sends us his user name.

"Probably harvesting emails as you sign up." Blatant lie. Our Privacy Policy makes it clear we will NEVER share of sell or share any email addresses. This is actually ludicrous - why on earth would we sell email addresses to our competitors?

"You will get "likes" and when you pay, there is nothing." - False and unproved allegation. Once again, we publicly challenge the person(s) making these allegations, to provide us with his user name, so that we can prove him wrong by means of site logs and database records.

"Also no card facility? Very dodgy. Only EFT. " This is a blatant, malicious and total lie. We've had credit card facilities from the start and any member can easily find these on the site. Once again, the mind boggles at the sheer stupidity of this comment. Why on earth would we lose business by not having a credit card facility?

"There absolutely no way to get in touch of the owner of the site or any reply."
Once again a blatant lie and falsehood. On the main page of the site, there is a clear Help button, under which anybody can send us a message. We usually respond within 8 business hours. Really, one has to question the motives of whomever made such an easily disproven allegation. Perhaps he's a competitor and jealous of our success, who knows?

"Oh and if they feel like deleting your account, they will do so. A while ago I tried to sign back in, and it just says - email not found in our database. And I still had a paid subscription for 10 days."
Sheer and utter nonsense. I challenge the author of this rubbish to provide us with his user name. Why on EARTH would we delete somebody's profile out of the blue? We want people to stay on the site, for goodness' sake! That's our business!! Given the idiocy of the lies and slander perpetrated above, I would not be surprised if the person simply forgot which address he used to register on the site.

All in all, as the owners of, we find these malicious "reviews" to be a clear instance of slander, and we SHALL pursue legal action against whomever perpetrates such lies and slander. The fact that this site,, allows such slanderous and untrue allegations, is in itself cause for legal action.


Review: Fake profiles and false leads

What is very suspicious about this review, is that we didn't receive any complaint from a person on or about the date of this review. Now surely, if the alleged complainant was an actual person, and had a legitimate grievance, the logical thing to do would have been to lodge the complaint with us and also request a refund? We invite the person - if it is an actual, real person and not, say, a competitor - to contact us using the site so we can investigate his complaint. What is also noteworthy is the complaint about the site being amateurish, does seem to indicate that this is possibly a competitor who seems to think his site is better.
However, we would also point out that the idea of a dating site is to meet people, and if this is not a fake complaint, the person he was chatting to could simply have met somebody and decided to end the chat. To make a blanket claim about so-called fake profiles would then be a risky thing to allege, because it can expose the complainant to being sued for defamation.

Review: Can't load pic

Good day,
We are sorry to hear that you are unable to load a picture, which is quite surprising because literally thousands of other members do so without difficulty. For guidance, there is a Help button on the main page of the site which will guide you to load a pic. There is also a contact button under the help button if you still cannot succeed in loading a picture.

Review: Behaviour slander

We have no record of any so-called member called "Anke" ever using that nickname on our site and we invite the alleged member called "Anke" to provide evidence of any attempt to contact us, or to prove that she (Anke being a female name) ever being a member on our site? We have searched for any member called Anke and could not find her. If the alleged member doesn't exist, but still makes allegations about the site being a so-called scam, we wish to advise the individual posting this fake review that we shall take all and any possible legal action against her for making fake allegations. Secondly, the alleged "" email address doesn't belong to our site, which makes the alleged "scam" allegations completely ludicrous. seems to be an American site offering medical advice. Again, for the alleged "Anke" to be making fake allegations exposes the alleged "Anke" to actual legal action.

Review: Behaviour slander

Again, we don't have - and have never had - any member called Anke in our database. Kindly provide us with your email address or phone number, so that we may find your alleged profile and investigate your allegations?
Thanking you in advance.

Review: How do I create a profile?

You can create a profile here, but be advised, there is a fee payable:

Review: Someone will send me a message ,when i reply they dont get my messages

All messages that are sent are permanently stored in a database, and there is no possibility of any message not being sent once the user clicks the Send button. We suspect that we may have answered you from the site previously, however, and are placing it on record that, if you are the same person, we did a) send you the list of your messages that were successfully sent, and b) we asked to to back up your allegation about your messages not being sent by sending us the alleged recipients' names. If you are the same individual, you have failed to send us the list, and therefore the complaint above is not factual.

Review: Someone will send me a message ,when i reply they dont get my messages

Dear Adriaan, your allegation contains no details whatsoever and as such is currently not of any value in helping anybody understand what, exactly, you are alleging. If you want us to investigate or respond properly to your allegation, kindly supply the details of what you are alleging, as well as your user name, and we will happily investigate.

Review: Scam

It appears that you may have paid using an EFT payment. If you paid from a different bank (not the same bank as ours), we will not see the payment in our account immediately. In the worst case, if you pay on a Saturday afternoon, or a Sunday, we will only see the payment in our account on the Tuesday morning after the Sunday. So, if people pay by EFT, we first have to check your proof of payment, in order to prevent fraud. As is made clear on the site, there may be a delay, but we almost always complete our checks the next day, even if you do pay at 23h59 on a Saturday night. To label the site a so-called scam due to the fact that we are forced to take security measures, is quite frankly not reasonable, and we will take legal action against these kind of fake allegations.

Review: Scam

The mail below was sent to the person at 16:52 on 17 November, before he posted his complaint here. In the mails we sent him, we politely asked him to provide proof of the payment he allegedly made, and advised him to upload his proof on the site. He admitted that he received our mail. He chose not to provide proof of payment, choosing instead to come and complain on this site and make false allegations. We can unfortunately not accept any responsibility if a person acts in bad faith.
We have not received any proof from you. Kindly send us the proof and we will activate your account, or go to the site to do a self-service activation. This should not be a problem?
On 2021/11/17 16:49, Jacques Nell wrote:

Review: Day1

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider it.

Review: Apprehensive

The landing page of the site makes it clear that the site is free to try and the wording actually says that you can "test drive" the site for free and specifically refers to a "Trial Period". Free to Try does NOT imply totally free - even Microsoft allows you to try its products for free, but they're definitely not free.
Kindly also the Terms here, to which you agreed, and specifically refer to the Free Members section in these terms:

Review: Deleted profile

The profile removal page makes it clear that deleting your profile is permanent. We do not allow people to reactivate deleted accounts.

Review: - Total waste of time

Kindly provide us with your profile nickname so that we may investigate your allegations, as anonymous insults don't prove anything. When you send us your profile nickname, we undertake to publish the list of responses that you received here, as a comment, for other readers of your comment to judge for themselves whether your libellous allegations are true or otherwise. We will, of course, remove any personally identifiable details from these responses, but it's only fair that we get a right to respond.

Review: False and slanderous reviews

Good day,
Firstly, strange that you'd use this site, which has nothing to do with our site, to write your question. Surely it would have made more sense to contact us directly using the Contact section under the Help menu?

Secondly, because you've chosen to contact us using this method, kindly tell us how we're supposed to follow up on your question? We have no way of identifying who you or the other member are? We suggest you log back into the site, use the Help menu and send us your inquiry from there, which would make it possible for us to investigate.

Review: It's a scam alright!!!!

We can unfortunately not respond to complaints of this nature if we do not have an email address or site nickname, so kindly provide either and we will be happy to check this out. Also, we note that, to the best of our knowledge, no person with the name provided has previously tried to contact us, using the contact facility on the site. The contact facility on the site does ask for your name, and also saves all messages sent to us in the database, but there is no record of any complaint using the name around February 2019. Lastly, we will NOT tolerate fake allegations, and we will institute legal action against faceless cowards who make libelous allegations, which will turn out to be a very expensive mistake for persons who abuse our good name.

Review: crappy site

Kindly go read the Terms. to which all users have to agree.